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Myths & Mythology: Mind & Metaphor


Melissa's book, Mythos, outlines ways we can use the mythical metaphors of our collective communities to enhance relationships and increase our understanding of those around us.

Neil's book, Myths of Mind™, discusses the theories and belief systems we each have in our mind - based on personal experiences and generational thought systems - that affect our ability to enhance relationships and increase understanding between each other.

They both rely on types of myth. One book relies on the collective metaphors of our communities and how we can use those metaphors to further our collective empathy, and the other book relies on the personal and familial beliefs we hold in our minds and how those affect our potential for connection. So, how do we merge the myth types in our work?

Both focus on the ways we can connect to the people around us through communication. Our Myths of Mind™ create ripple effects in our communication patterns. The language we use (or don't use) puts our belief systems on display, and those belief systems can become corrective or incorrective for our environments and the current times. We can use our language to evolve our Myths of Mind™ and the myths in others' minds.

The metaphors we use in our day-to-day conversations illustrates to us the ways our communications align or mismatch. We can re-orient our metaphors, we can evolve our metaphors, and/or we can match our metaphors with those we are talking to in order to cultivate a better understanding of one another.

Both types of myths understand that we cannot control the minds of others, but we can understand our own mindsets, we can understand the mindsets of others, and we can choose understanding over conflict. Both types of myth rely on language to be the mediator between minds. After all, we can't read each other's minds; the best tool we have to understand what is in someone else's mind is the language they use.

Messages can be explicit or implicit. People aren't even always aware of the belief systems they are harboring. But we are here to bridge those gaps in understanding. Using our training and expertise in psychology, linguistics, and mythology, we can cultivate enhanced understanding of the myths that surround us and that are within us. Through analysis and interactive discussions or trainings, we help you understand the myths that exist even when we are unaware of their existence.

We can't read minds, but we can read the myths in our words.

Go to our services page to see what we do, then reach out to tell us what you'd like our help with.

Let's talk,



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